ChemSee has developed an easy-to-use, low-cost detector and identifier for fertilizers which can be used to make explosives. The analysis takes less than five minutes.
Fertilizers Detected / Identified: |
Main Features: |
Note: This detector also detects the presence of Gun Powder. |
A simple color reference chart provided with the device allows for specific fertilizer identification. |
These detectors do NOT contain Mercury or Arsenic. The detectors can be disposed off in the regular waste before and after use. Other explosives detectors may contain Mercury or Arsenic and the used and unused detectors may spread a very large cloud of toxic vapors if burned e. g. in an explosion. All materials in the kits can be transported and disposed of without restriction or certification.
Visual Demonstration of the 3A2Z™ Fertilizer Identifing Kit
Available Products
3A2Z Fertilizer Detector and Identifier
Contains six detectors for nitrate-based explosives, nitramines, home-made explosive precursors (flammables and strong oxidizers), full color instructions and all materials required for sample collection and testing.