Sodium Hypochlorite, the main ingredient in Clorox is a disinfectant when used at the proper ratio with water. However, when Sodium Hypoclorite is consumed in large quantities it is toxic and may cause symptoms such as:
- Chest Pain,
- Low Blood Pressure,
- Burning Throat,
- Burning Esopagus,
- Stomach or Abdominal Pain,
- Vomiting,
- Seizure,
- Coma, or,
- Death.
The ChemSense QuantTab™ Determination Card for Chlorine allows for the rapid, color-based detection of Clorine/Clorox in food and drinks.
An Example of this Determination can be found below.

Description of Use – Chlorine QuantTab™
To test a sample for Chlorine/Clorox, apply three to five droplets onto the Sample side of the ChemSense QuantTab™. If Chlorine is present in the sample a pink color will form on the detector. To determine how much Chlorine is present in the sample you may compare the color formed to color comparison wheel.
- Detects Clorine Concentrations as low as 5 parts per million
- Instant, Semi-Quantitative Reading. Quantitative Readings can be obtained using the DD-06L Electronic Reader.
- 6 Month Shelf Life
- Full Instructions provided with Each Detector